
Do expression lines make you feel older than you look? Do forehead creases make you unhappy with your skin? Don’t let the signs of aging bring you down. Instead, erase them with BotoxⓇ treatments at TC Body Laser Sculpting & Aesthetics in Bozeman, Montana. Nurse practitioner Tammy Chambers takes her more than 30 years of experience and applies it in a patient-oriented approach to wrinkle reduction. To learn more about Botox or to see if it’s the right treatment for you, call Tammy’s office or go online today to book your appointment.

New: Mobile Botox

Tammy will travel up to 30 miles to come to you for no extra charge with a minimum of $500 in services. Feel free to invite a friend!

Botox FAQ

What is BotoxⓇ?

Botox is an FDA-approved treatment for wrinkle reduction. Botox temporarily smooths frown lines, crow’s feet, and forehead lines, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

With predictable results and subtle changes that don’t make you look overdone, Botox is the number one selling toxin-based serum in the United States and has been used by millions of people around the world.

In just one 10-minute treatment, Botox brings significant results within 1-2 weeks.

How does Botox work?

Botox serum contains a purified toxin. When Tammy injects this serum into your muscles, it creates a temporary paralyzation that stops muscle movements and contractions, the underlying cause of lines between the brows and around the eyes.

As these muscles stop moving with your facial expressions, your skin begins to smooth and soften, causing your forehead creases and expression lines to fade.

What happens during a Botox treatment?

When you first arrive at TC Body Laser Sculpting & Aesthetics, take a moment to enjoy the relaxing, spa-like atmosphere, where you can sip a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. As you unwind, Tammy or one of her team members prepare a room for your Botox treatment.

Once it’s prepared, Tammy is ready to begin your treatment. She marks your face to get optimal injection placement. She may ask you to make exaggerated facial expressions to see how your muscles and skin move.

If you’re worried about pain with your Botox treatment, Tammy can apply a topical numbing cream to minimize the risk of any discomfort.

Depending on what areas you have treated, you can expect between 3-5 injections per treatment area. Tammy prepares the injections and administers them.

The whole treatment takes about 10 minutes.

How long do Botox treatments last?

For moderate to severe frown lines and forehead creases, results last up to four months. To get optimal results, Tammy suggests scheduling your next appointment before the effects of your last Botox treatment completely fade. Over time, muscle memory may set in and allow longer periods between treatments.

If you think Botox can help you reach your anti-aging goals, it’s time to do something about it. Call Tammy today at TC Body Laser Sculpting & Aesthetics or use the online booking tool to schedule your appointment.

*Individual Results May Vary