Hormone Replacement Therapy
Help is NOW Here For Menopausal and Perimenopausal Women!
Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy with estrogen/testosterone PELLETS - customized specifically for you!
Insertion of a pellet in your buttocks every 3-4 months will give you a slow release of hormones. Tammy recommends estrogen and testosrone replacement for women in perimenopause and menopause. This is a safe effctive way to receive hormones and much safer than oral hormone replacement therapy HRT. Don’t suffer; call now to set up your consultation.
Symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency:
Low libido, lack of motivation, mid-section weight gain, irritability, impatience, anxiety/depression, fatigue, increased headaches, or new headaches.
Symptoms of Estrogen Deficiency:
Hot FLASHES! Insomnia, heart palpations, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, increased urinary and vaginal infections. Bone Loss: Your bones need estrogen to maintain strength and density.
Difficulty sleeping
Depressive mood
Heart Palpitations.
Vaginal dryness or painful intercourse
Increased urinary and vaginal infections
Disinterested in sex
Physical and mental exhaustion
Joint pain
Hot flashes/sweating
These symptoms are common in people suffering from hormone imbalance or low testosterone and estrogen.
Just because they’re common doesn’t mean you have to continue suffering.
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) with pellets uses bio-identical – or human identical – hormones, which are derived from natural, plant-based hormones. Bio-identical hormones – testosterone and estrogen – work more effectively and efficiently than synthetic hormones.
Bioidentical hormones pellets are made from plant sources; synthetic hormones are made from man-made chemical compounds.
Conversely, our bodies get confused when synthetic hormones arrive on the scene. They don’t know how to process these invaders, which is why many people who take oral synthetic hormones feel like they’re on an emotional roller coaster.
Hormone Pellet Placement
The hormone pellet placement is a simple procedure. During the in-office procedure, the practitioner inserts the tiny pellets in the fatty tissue right beneath the skin with minimal discomfort.
Most women commonly report seeing some benefits within the first 5-7 days after starting therapy!
Contact us.
If you’re ready to get healthy and feeling younger – TC Body Laser Sculpting & Aesthetics can customize a wellness plan to help you regain your health, vibrancy, and a younger feeling body.
To learn more about bio-identical hormones replacement therapy with pellets
Contact Tammy Chambers NP at 406-581-1293 or make your appointment at tcbodysculpting.com